Many companies and enterprises have trusted us over the last few years.
Aqua S.A. Bielsko Biała
Aquanet S.A. Sopot
Katowickie Wodociągi S.A.
Łódzka Spółka Infrastrukturalna Sp. zo.o.
MPWiK Mysłowice
MPWiK Wrocław
WiK Opole Sp. z o.o.
PWiK Sp. zo.o. Ruda Śląska
National Forests
Provincial Agricultural Advisory Centers
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences
Gdańsk University of Technology
Tauron Dystrybucja S.A.
PKN Orlen S.A.
Institute of Power Engineering Gdańsk
TAURON Wydobycie S.A.